Monday, July 18, 2011

Beautiful Setting

New Clients took the time to send me this photo of how they had placed my art work in their lovely home. Lotus series in the foreground and "Whisper II" above the mantle.... Thank you Chris and Nicki.

Friday, July 15, 2011

"Color Match"

I drive past this small irrigation canal almost everyday heading to and from my home, I don't know why I have never really noticed the colors of these flowers that bloom this time of year growing in the water, but I did this day. I knew I had this piece of art that I had just taken to the Hot Springs in Mammoth lakes that would match the bloom. I walked on to the catwalk of the pump system tied a string to the art and placed it in the water among the flowers

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Seldom Seen" art Tour

Silver Lake in Mono County, Ca. This is just one lake on the June Lake loop. I stopped to give the dog a swim and stumbled upon this fantastic view, with all the snow melt the lake was full as it could be. The mosquito's were super hungry so I was in the water most of the time.

Seldom Seen Video

Just a few shots I put together kinda a cool video