Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"Love at the Border"


He is passionate about his art and how he creates. the roots of Jack Durnford's art stems from the use of non-traditional art materials reflecting a world closely related to industrial and architectural references. The literal aspect of the work engages a dialogue of what is found and seen in nature. the artist uses construction  materials in non-traditional ways to reflect and refract light which will not sit still. The art becomes a playground allowing light to temporarily dance across the surface, allowing the viewer to witness a stunning ephemeral moment. With nature being a driving force within his art.Now has begun to use different bodies of water as a temporary gallery for displaying his art.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Collective Stage"

One very calm morning on the East side of Lake Tahoe provided this unique moment. I had to wait about an hour for the sun to rise above the mountains behind me.
The art looks almost surreal sitting on top of the water.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Note from a wonderful client


I'm back home and love the painting in my bedroom. It was great to meet you and your sons. Next time I'm in Sac, I'll look you up!
Keep creating!

meag ryan