"Art lovin Cows"
This is one of the best photo's I have taken with my art afloat......I've yet to find another group of cows so into abstract art.
Sustainable art, my art is created by using up to 80% recycled materials. I have been using recycled material for the past 15 years.Using found objects and incorporating them into the design draws you into a fluid world
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
"Dirty work" 40"x46"
"Dirty Work"
A simple dress captured in time and space. It took several attempts to articulate the dress to give it a life of it's own. Dancing in the streets of Rio or strolling the streets of Cannes. A whimsical look at life.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
"Angelica" 34"x46"
"Angelica" This dress was given to me by a friend Angela during one of our mammoth Lakes winter art shows. She loved the dress art I was creating and decided that one less dress would go to the Goodwill. I'm so happy for her decision......
Saturday, December 24, 2011
"About last Night" 38"x50"
"About Last Night"
This piece was created using an old pair of Levi's a friend was about to throw away. I had no idea just how I was going to incorporate them into a work of art, It took several weeks for an idea to form. I found that trying to manipulate them on the base was a little more difficult than I thought it would have been. Being that the jeans were the same size and I wanted a male female appearance to the art, I simply placed the male higher and had the female arch her back and kick her heel up.Love Love Love it
This piece was created using an old pair of Levi's a friend was about to throw away. I had no idea just how I was going to incorporate them into a work of art, It took several weeks for an idea to form. I found that trying to manipulate them on the base was a little more difficult than I thought it would have been. Being that the jeans were the same size and I wanted a male female appearance to the art, I simply placed the male higher and had the female arch her back and kick her heel up.Love Love Love it
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
"Lyrical Abandon" 36"x52"
Lyrical Abandon was created using a slightly different technique. It provides me with a much smoother surface when I apply color. This particular piece has 15 layers of color making the depth and richness very dramatic.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
"Love at the Border"
He is passionate about his art and how he creates. the roots of Jack Durnford's art stems from the use of non-traditional art materials reflecting a world closely related to industrial and architectural references. The literal aspect of the work engages a dialogue of what is found and seen in nature. the artist uses construction materials in non-traditional ways to reflect and refract light which will not sit still. The art becomes a playground allowing light to temporarily dance across the surface, allowing the viewer to witness a stunning ephemeral moment. With nature being a driving force within his art.Now has begun to use different bodies of water as a temporary gallery for displaying his art.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
"Collective Stage"
One very calm morning on the East side of Lake Tahoe provided this unique moment. I had to wait about an hour for the sun to rise above the mountains behind me.
The art looks almost surreal sitting on top of the water.
The art looks almost surreal sitting on top of the water.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Fireplace and artwork
Within this website I created the fireplace and the Aqua art work in the dining area
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Note from a wonderful client
I'm back home and love the painting in my bedroom. It was great to meet you and your sons. Next time I'm in Sac, I'll look you up!
Keep creating!
meag ryan
I'm back home and love the painting in my bedroom. It was great to meet you and your sons. Next time I'm in Sac, I'll look you up!
Keep creating!
meag ryan
Monday, July 18, 2011
Beautiful Setting
New Clients took the time to send me this photo of how they had placed my art work in their lovely home. Lotus series in the foreground and "Whisper II" above the mantle.... Thank you Chris and Nicki.
Friday, July 15, 2011
"Color Match"
I drive past this small irrigation canal almost everyday heading to and from my home, I don't know why I have never really noticed the colors of these flowers that bloom this time of year growing in the water, but I did this day. I knew I had this piece of art that I had just taken to the Hot Springs in Mammoth lakes that would match the bloom. I walked on to the catwalk of the pump system tied a string to the art and placed it in the water among the flowers
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
"Seldom Seen" art Tour
Silver Lake in Mono County, Ca. This is just one lake on the June Lake loop. I stopped to give the dog a swim and stumbled upon this fantastic view, with all the snow melt the lake was full as it could be. The mosquito's were super hungry so I was in the water most of the time.
Seldom Seen Video
Just a few shots I put together kinda a cool video
Friday, June 17, 2011
"Seldom Seen" art Tour
Hot Spring in the Owens River valley. I had found several hot springs in this valley some well known others not so well known. This one is very special as it has a wonderful view of Mammoth Mountain as you sit in the pool. I enjoyed this view for 3 hours this day.
"Seldom Seen" art Tour
Convict Lake, This was really worth the cold water and wind. The art just danced with the waves, I watched it for about 30 minutes before it reached shore
"Seldom Seen" art Tour
I just had to get wet this trip, this is at Convict lake the water temp was 38 degrees. needed to push this out further than I wanted to as the wind and waves kept pushing it in to fast. The next post is the shot I wanted
"Seldom Seen" art Tour
I drove up to Upper Twin lakes in the mammoth lakes basin for this shot. I could not drive all the way up to Horseshoe lake as the road is still covered by snow. This art has certainly seen some water this past week.
Waterworks part of the "Seldom Seen" art tour
Mono Lake in California was the back drop for this image. I was at the south Tufa's when I took this.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sunset over Mono lake, Ca
While driving north on hwy 395 I took this photo of a sunset looking east. It became the basis of some of my work. The blurred landscape and streaked sky was engaging and I had to try and capture this moment in time. I have shown it to some and they don't see what I see in it. This is why I think we all see things differently, I'm glad for the differences.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Summer Mood 48"x72"
I was in a purple mood......Actually this was created with the Eastern Sierra in mind during a sunset I watched this past summer just outside of Bridgeport. Amazes me every time I watch one as colors dance among each other.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Any Drain will Do
During the recent rain the drain in front of my studio began to overflow. I was under the threat of a flood and no sandbags, I was totally unprepared for this event. I put on my boots grabbed a rake and lifted the cover of the storm drain. It was blocked with grass and sticks, I cleared the debris and as it was draining it had this cool whirlpool. I dashed into the studio placed these 4 8"x8" pieces into the water and watched them dance around.
As you can see "Any Drain will Do"
As you can see "Any Drain will Do"
Spring Hail
A freakish spring hailstorm came passing through the other day,thwarted all my outdoor plans. Had art that needed some sun to dry that certainly was not going to happen. As I sat at the studio roll up door and watched all the storm drains fill up with water and hail it occurred to me. Rather than be slowed by Mother nature I seized this opportunity. I had these small pieces that would fit perfectly within the pooling water.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Perfect Timing
The sun was setting the water was calm, I had perfect timing. I had been trying to get a sunset photo for what seems like weeks now. There was always some type of poor condition preventing this moment from happening.
I had just spent the entire day creating works of art, then it struck me. The day was ending, there was no wind, no rain nor clouds. I had just been down to the river a few days ago and found it swollen from snow melt and I was tired. I gathered some art together and made the short drive to the rivers edge. With little time to set up I eased the art into the frigid water
I had just spent the entire day creating works of art, then it struck me. The day was ending, there was no wind, no rain nor clouds. I had just been down to the river a few days ago and found it swollen from snow melt and I was tired. I gathered some art together and made the short drive to the rivers edge. With little time to set up I eased the art into the frigid water
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sage Series 42"x40"

"Art is not a Sentence"
Jack Durnford
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
End Of Day
Friday, May 6, 2011
Seldom Seen

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tahoe Challenge

This had to have been one of the worst days to attempt this. 35 mph winds gusts to 50, cold water cold air. I was wearing my wetsuit to get the art out to where I wanted it. This was certainly a challenge I love the results. I narrowly escaped destroying this piece on a large rock I dove in and saved it at the last minute. Lake Tahoe at it's best
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Ocean Rhapsody

This is only a trial run of a much larger event that I have been working on for the past few months. You will be seeing many more pieces of art floating on many different waterways. This last one was performed at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, stay tuned for the larger event.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
"Working Stiff" 36"x 48"
Over 30 years ago I had purchased a coffee table book called "Found Objects" This was a book that had images of art which artists had created something from really nothing. One image in particular
had stuck with me all these years. It was an image of a shirt that some artist had dipped in liquid starch. They had then placed it on a canvas or piece of wood and hung it It was really a nothing piece of art, however it was a very interesting idea. As I mentioned it had stuck with me all these years. This is the outcome of that brief encounter with that coffee table book.
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